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You won't win a race by focusing on tying your shoes

Short Proverb-

A man from South Georgia once decided to grow tomatoes. So he dug up the earth into rows and planted seeds hoping to have fruit by harvest. The rains came and the days passed but when it came time for harvest he found that his plants were short and barren.

The man asked his friend, "What should I do?". The man's friend replied, "Have you thought about a watering schedule?". The man replied "Great Idea".

The next season the man dug up his rows, planted seeds, and set up a plan to ensure his plants had adequate water. The rains came and the days passed but when it came time for harvest he found that his plants were tall and barren.

The man asked his friend, "Still no tomatoes, what should I do?". The man's friend replied, "Have you thought about what type of sun your tomatoes get? Morning sun is the best.". The man replied "Great Idea".

The next season the man dug up his rows facing the morning sun, planted seeds, and set up a plan to ensure his plants had adequate water. The rains came and the days passed but when it came time for harvest he found that his plants were tall and lush but yielded only a few small tomatoes.

Frustrated, the man went back to his friend, "This isn't going well, what can I do?". The man's friend replied, "You might be missing the big picture of how plants grow. Let me tell you how it works: Plants use sunlight to make food. They drink water to stay hydrated. They eat nutrients from the soil to grow. They breathe in air, especially oxygen, for respiration. They need the right temperature to thrive. They need room to spread out and grow without being crowded. Get these elements right and surely you'll get more tomatoes than you can eat."

Take Away:

We will spend seasons of our lives planting seeds but yielding no fruit all because we focus on the small details of executing a task rather than the big picture of how things work. We try to win a race by focusing on small tasks like tying our shoes perfectly or digging the best row to plant in. Stop wasting time and start thinking about the big picture first. Listed below are a few tips on how to place yourself in this successful mindset.

  1. Start with the finish line: Clearly define your end goal or desired outcome. Having a clear vision of what success looks like helps you stay focused and motivated throughout the process.

  2. Plan your race: Break down your objective into actionable steps. Research what needs to be done to achieve your goal and create a detailed plan outlining these steps.

  3. Assess Available Equipment: Take stock of the resources, tools, and assets you have at your disposal. Identify any gaps or deficiencies in what you need to accomplish your goal.

  4. Anticipate Turns: Consider potential obstacles or roadblocks that may arise along the way. By anticipating challenges, you can develop contingency plans and mitigate risks before they derail your progress.

  5. If you stumble get back up: Understand that mistakes and failures are a natural part of the learning process. Instead of fearing failure, view it as an opportunity to gain valuable insights and course-correct as needed.

  6. Don't let the Gun Surprise you- Often times when it's time to start something we get caught flat-footed. We live in an anylsis paralysis mode. Waiting for the perfect moment to enter the race. The race of life has already started. Get moving.

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